Nadia Liz Estela
for we are made of boats.
we are made of trees
made of water
made of joy
made of river currents
island’s breeze.
for we are made of long gone memories
of hot sizzling plantains off the skillet that burn the roof of your mouth.
made of skin.
made of songs that hold our ancestors spirits
made of gifts we’ve long given away
for we are made of hopes.
for we are made of courage
to leap into a concrete jungle
and bring the warm bright mango walls
and guava trees green leaves that remind us of ...
for we are an extension of her
made of ‘tings that forget how to say “carrot”
made of patties and yuca and mamey.
for we play in the snow when we want to jump into rivers.
for we are today's answers to yesterday's questions.
for we are made of sails that never take us home.
for we are made of boats.